Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Hurray!!!! ^_^


I have my drivers license ^_^

I am so happy I will do a happy dance!!!!!
*happy dance*
I shall create a magic box with a secret message.

Wasn't that enlightening?
Time to go, bye everyone........

Saturday, December 02, 2006

One Month Later

Wow, I haven't blogged in one month, I need to get on the ball then, I guess, now that I'm juggling school and a job it's hard to blog now. But anyway, I should start now.

I have a job as a cart attendant at (undisclosed location) it is really fun (well for a job I guess) and all the people there are really nice. I used to get exhausted from working but now I'm not. I have learned to appreciate how much my dad works a lot more now. I also have learned the value of a dollar, A dollar really isn't worth that much, hehehehe.

Well, school has been going pretty well, I got a 92 out of 100 on my greek exam! ^_^ *does happy dance* I am so happy! I always think I'm going to do bad on these college courses but I don't! Happy, happy, happy.

Being that I haven't blogged in so long, I need to make sure I give an extremely belated happy birthday to my Dad!

Well I'll finish this blog later, I have to go to bed now :(

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Sorry ^_^;

I have been very busy the last few weeks ^_^; anyway, I have started my new job and I love it much more than the other one. ^_^ I'm very excited about it. Anyway, I am very happy right now ^_^ :) ^_^
Want to know why? It is because I am currently eating a smooth, luscious, indiscribably delicious piece of Dove dark chocolate. It just melts in your mouth^_^ Whenever I get money I start to crave this delicious chocolate, oh so tasty!

ahh, anyway, I must must stop eating chocolate right now or I will rot my teeth and cause bill from the dentist totaling several hundred dollars., so the next movie we are working on is a small spoof of "The Nanny"^_^, considering if the computer co-operates it will be released next week.
I tried blogging last week, but something happened with the server and my draft wasn't saved for my mom to look at :K so I would have blogged earlier.

You may have heard that we are considering moving, well, we might move. (that really answered a lot of questions) well, I really don't want to move, I've lived here for the past 9 years, well over half my life:(, but it would put us in a much better financial situation, which would be good to help pay for college, after all, law school is very expensive. I would have to resist getting a southern accent., I'll have to say "Don't cha know" every other sentance. *_*
Good night everyone! ^_^

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Good evening everyone!

Such an oversued title ^_^. Anyways, how is everyone doing? School is going fine, except I'm getting behind in Greek which means I shall start extra studying AFTER I'm done blogging ^_^
I actually did well on my PYSCHOlogy questions and am now studying for my exam, I f I do well I shall stop calling it PSYCHOlogy and just say psychology with a psycho laugh :P

Good news! my cat has lost two pounds and now weighs 14 pounds, He now is very fat, but he doesn't look pregnant ^_^ Soon Isaac and Lilly won't be able to laugh at him at all! besides the dog has gained 5 pounds ^_^

Anyway, the next movie Guyz with Skillz is making is a spoof of The Nanny" ^_^ And we'll have a new director, But her (or his) identity is secret and only I know who it is! *laugh* *twitch*
Tae Kwon Do is going good, I'm going to test for my Black belt with all the other red belts in Febuary. Then our family will have seven Black belts, and we'll all fight evil and the forces of sour cream and raisin pie! Ethan wants to use the computer now so I have to get off
*pouty look* Cat ninjas attack! oh look, no more Ethan, but I have to go frame the dog, so Good night everyone! XD

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Oh No! I'm writing like lykatchy, I'm blogging only two sentences! (*scream*)

P.S. We saw "Over the hedge" :P

Monday, October 16, 2006

100th post!

That is right people this is our 100 post. I would Like to thank everyone for reading my blog for the past year ^_^ 100 posts *dances* Today we will show you a wonderful new movie!
It is Silly Wars, a spoof of star Wars with horrible special effects and the worst acting you've ever seen (outside of Napoleon dynamite) But first. The blog.
Being that this is the hundrenth post, all three of us shall blog in one post ^_^

O.K. I now have a new job, my first job didn't work so well, but I now have a even better job at a even more secret location ^_^
The spiders are dancing! the movie will start. It is kinda dark, but it is our first movie.


Here is part two, if it loads correctly ^_^

Wasn't that amazing! ^_^

Now Ethan and Isaac will blog with the after movie blog!

He is making me do this.
Well now back to buisness, If you can call it buisness.
In honor of the 100th post, I shall create cans doing a can-can

Copyright 2000-2006 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Used With Permission Neopets.com
Yes, that is right I do neopets. I have been doing it for a
little over 2 years and I really enjoy it.
Only join if you are actually going to take care of your pets.
I also tested for my red belt a little over a week ago.
Oh and my younger siblings hate the word "baked goods"
I don't know why but it drives them crazy.
Well that is the end of my section
but I think I will have another can-can.

Copyright 2000-2006 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Used With Permission Neopets.com

Hi hi yeah good evening yeah O.K. Today I am going to talk about *dreams* @_@ yeah!.
Hey! and did you know this is our 100th post yeah!!! *Applause* well here are some dreams

Me in China!
O.K. I was in China (for no apparent reeaon) and someone was following me so I ran. As I was running I went into a shopping mall."I lost them!" I thought. Then suddenly I saw them so again I ran! I found a fridge so I went inside. then they oppened the door (they happened to be a guy with two kids) then the guy stuffed me in a black trash bag. Then one of the kids said
*dad can we eat him now* I screemed! then I woke up.

more *dreams* @_@ from Isaac some other time yeah. goodnight.-_-
Umm yeah, see why I blog most of the time. Good night everybody!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Lilly! (Oct 2nd)
Happy Birthday Geneva (Oct 4th)
Happy Birthday Little Eddie! (Oct 4th)
Happy Birthday To one of my neighbors (Oct 4th)

Such a lot of Birthdays ^_^ Lilly is now Eleven, and Geneva is now *sniff* four.
Geneva is not allowed to be this old. :( We celebrated Lilly's Birthday last Friday. My Grandparents also came to celebrate ^_^. For Lilly's Birthday, My Mom made a Pumpkin pie (which I hear was good), a Pecan pie (which was really good), and a blueberry pie(which was really really good ^_^). My Grandma brought a apple pie (which was really good) and a Peanut butter pie. (Yuck!) We then celebrated Geneva's Birthday, My Grandma brought a delicious Hy-vee birthday cake for Geneva ^_^.

I have started work, I worked two days last week. I did something that was like a training session. (but it wasn't). Now what I do for work, does not exert any substantail amount of energy. (Okay, I might have to pick up a loaf of bread)
But a hour after I get home, I become EXTREMELY tired and lose the will to do anything. I don't even feel like talking :P.

Anyway, soon Ethan, Isaac, and Danielle will be testing for their red belts very soon. My Mom, Dad, and Lilly will be testing to get the red stripe off their Black Belts. That means Geneva and I are the only people not testing. I'll probably test for my Black Belt in Febuary. God willing, and if I can improve that much, and If I keep a job long enough to pay for it. Anyway, I need to fix the link to Lykatchy's blog, she keeps on changing it.
Bye for now!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Good evening everyone!

Hi everyone, My life is so much busier with school now, but everyone else is in school, so you all know that already. I took my greek exam the other day. I predict I will get a C. I wish I got an A, but I don't think I did very well on the exam. :(

Anyway, all my siblings and I made a movie! It's a spoof of stars wars. It's kinda stupid, but it's funny. I'll try to put it up soon. ^_^

What should I blog about? I'll ask Lilly. Lilly doesn't know what I should blog about :(
Geneva says I should blog about nothing.

That was probably the most exciting part about the blog. Anyway, I start work soon. :(
I'm too young to die! I mean work. At least I'll have money. hehehehe Then I can finance more......operations. Lilly's and Geneva's birthdays are coming up! Yay! Geneva is so cute!
And Lilly is just as cute. and she is really cuddly, and likes to disco dance. She never reads my blog, so she'll never find out I said this. Last week my mom made homemade pizza for supper for four days straight. I thought I'd be sick of pizza, but I want it even more now. My Mom is just sick of making pizza. hehehehe.

(no blabbing Isaac)

Change your blog layout lycatchy!
Good night everyone!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Good evening everyone!

Good evening everyone. I'm here to entertain you with a witty and stylish blog.
But you already knew that ^_^.
I have finished my orientation for my fabulous new job! It is at a fabulous location, it even looks fabulous, in fact , it is so fabulous that even you. yes you. The Guyz with Skillz reader cannot know where it is. I must apologize for not blogging earlier. I have been extremely busy with school. I would get done with school much quicker if I didn't have Greek, which is very hard to read, and PYSCHOlogy. The Pyschology hurts my brain.
I have really learned to enjoy my weekends, the time of the week where I can relax. I also have to write a book for school, it can be any kind of book. So I need suggestions. Please. because I have absolutely
no idea of what to write about. Your input is greatly appreciated. ^_^

Here is a very FAT cat.
Interesting..........Here are MORE CATS!!!!!!!!!!!

Me? obsessed with cute little kitties? Nah.........
And finally, a cat, who went a little too far with Cat ninja Pyschological therapy. Keep small children away from this scary cat.

That is the creepiest cat I'ver ever seen.
Anyway, I must GO to bed. Good night everyone!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


School has started.
I have had my first day of school for the year, I have, algebra II, physics, American History, elementary Greek, and Pyscology. Usually my head hurts really bad after my first day, but it doesn't, which is good. Hope everyone had a wonderful Labor day.
We saw the movie "Cars". It was an O.K. movie, it had a good ending and plot, however it was way too drawn out, which kinda ruined it. My mind is too messed up to blog right now.
The greek alphabet is running through my head.
Good night.

Monday, August 28, 2006


Hi everyone! I'm very sorry I haven't blogged in a week. (especially to my reader that lives in a third world country.) I'm getting busier and busier each day. :( I most probably have a job at a secret place I can not disclose. But I was supposed to get a call to set up an orientation like two days ago. I HATE when people never call. My finger is pretty much healed now, it just looks really ugly.( Not that my fingers were anything to look at before.) I have just gotten back from Valleyfair. It drizzled for the first few hours keeping most of the people away ^_^ I foolishly listened to my sisters and went on the water raft ride with them. I got the one seat that wanted to go under every single waterfalls. I was wet for the rest of the day. *yuck* I had a good day though. ^_^
School is starting next week. I'm not really looking forward to a job and school at the same time @_@ I'll have two extra classes this year: Elementary Greek and Psychology.

Anyway, here is the cat segment of the blog. ^_^

Cute, but a little boring. Here is the part of the blog where I indoctrinate you all. I mean show you a nice 70s disco song.

Ahh. I must go call my employer who doesn't call me. :P Bye!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Busy, busy, and BUSY!

Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy. Ever notice when you constantly look at the same word closely for a while, it doesn't look like a word anymore? Take "busy" for example: Stare at it. It look like Bus-ey. Like it's a school bus or something. School School School School. Weird huh ^_^ I've had a very interesting last week. I delivered *gasp* Yellow Book Tuesday thru Friday. Which I have bored you guys enough with lately. Anyway last Saturday, while helping set up my church's Men's Breakfast, I made a bad cut in my middle finger. I was trying to cut some really weird tape to stick some paper to the table.( It makes a kind of cheap, disposable, table cloth. )I was using my pocket knife ,which folded back on my finger. :( I went to the Urgent care and got four stitches. I had to wear a very large gauze bandage, which made typing impossible, until yesterday. I would make about two typos per word. Bad even for me. So that is why I haven't blogged for a while ( No excuse for a certain twosome I know :P) The only downside to my finger healing is that I've lost my excuse for not doing dishes :( But for my finger to completely heal I'll need people to donate money for a extremely expensive operation and for a American citizen in France to be deported to the U.S. (preferably Minnesota) ^_^ I'm starting to get over a head cold. ^_^ I'm running out of things to blog. Good night France! Good afternoon Minesota!

Nap time ^_^

Friday, August 11, 2006

*No comment*

LYKACHY !!!!!!

Right now my dog ( her name is Wing chun ) is licking my face. And now
she is looking for squirrels. Speaking of Wing chun last night I was taking her outside and when
I opened the door and she ran for it!. And I was running as fast I could and she would have gotten away
if she hadn't stopped to sniff another dog's house. Then I caught up with her but I couldn't grab her. She would circle around a car so that I wouldn't grab her. So I said in a happy baby voice Winnie want a treat!
.She came up to me and I grabbed her collar and dragged her home. She got a very big spanking
And I was very tired
See my tai chili peppers so delicious but so spicy
NO IT'S BACK GET AWAY NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YELLOW BOOK!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway's we watched alias little voice say's best show since 24. And two thumbs way up!
season one is over no!!!!!!!!!!! .next season 2 lets go
see ya later by

Thursday, August 10, 2006

The return..................

Over the last few posts a question keeps coming into my mind. Why? Oh WHY? WHY WHY WHY!?!?!?!?!?!? why do I ask my brothers to blog. Persimmons and terrible worded sentences. What will my blog do? Anyway, I bet you are wondering about my catchy title ^_^ Something is going to return..........


The spiders have interrupted this very important message for an even bigger one. ^_^

^_^ Happy Birthday Lykatchy! ^_^

Time for presents! A brand new Bike!b Yay! party!
o.k. enough with this.

It's time for the return of *gasp*Yellow book. *screams* NNNNNOooooo0000000! All of my blogs will be consumed with *gasp* Yellow book.
My lawyer would like you to know that Guys with Skillz is not affilated with *gasp* yellow book. Although we are affillated with contracters for *gasp* Yellow book*

For all of you who don't know know Yellow book is your neighborhood telephone book. I have even delivered to some of my readers ^_^ The last route We completed was the most interesting routes we have ever done. It took us two days to complete it, the first day we were out was quite uneventful. But the second day was extremely interesting. You see, the route was mostly comprised of rural roads with houses with VERY long driveways. Well, the first thing that happened was my mom went up one of these driveways, now this driveway split like a fork in the road. The left side went up and the right side went down, inbetween them was a retaining wall made up of those trapazoid concrete blocks with lots of little pebbles inside the little pools the blocks made. Well my mom went up the left side, I delivered the book, she started backing up, she turned too soon and the middle of our Ford Excursion was sitting on top of the retaining wall! My Mom couldn't go foward or backward. we were stuck :(. My Mom called the insurance company who sent a Tow truck. We were sitting for a little under a hour before the tow truck came, the Tow Truck guys had to take quite a few blocks off that wall and after a little struggle we got the Tank free. The wall looks horrible and we wasted lots of time :(

Wasn't that an uplifting paragraph? Wait, there's more ^_^ About five minutes after we got free, it started to drizzle. Just a little, then came showers. then we got a downpour. Delivering phone books in the rain. Lilly and I were as wet as somebody you threw into a pool. Needless to day it was an interesting day. we got the final HALF of that route done that day, we left at 9:00 A.M. and got home at 5:00 P.M. In comparision to to todays route, which is actually somewhat bigger, we have gotten half done in two hours! two hours! Time to finish the route, Bye!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

uh uh!!!!

No I did not pick that!!!.

Ethan was nagging me like an old lady that he "HAD TO DO IT NOW"
when I was waching Alias. little voice say's best show since 24 ; and two thumb's up.

well I do not pick that I will pick

dum dum dum!!!

it later.

Monday, August 07, 2006


This section of the blog (Yes I'm blogging) is randomly dedicated to


Here is a dictionary definition: 1. any of several trees of the genus Diospyros,

D. Virginiana of North America, bearing astringent, plumlike fruit that is sweet and edible when ripe,

and D. Kaki, of Japan and China bearing soft, red or orange fruit. 2. the fruit itself.


I'm sorry Rexford's spiders seemed to have taken the rest of the information.

and they replaced it with purple spider webs, how odd.

And now for the part you've all been waiting for, the next round.

Please welcome Einstein

This is want I've picked and Isaac has picked this crazy kitten.

Thursday, July 27, 2006


I am bloging

We went to grand rios!!!

I went to wisconson dells!!! with my Grandma & Grandpa: and got aT shirt that said this

Not only am I perfect
i'm italian too

Oh no!! nulim dow!!!!!!!!! I have to go to bed by $_$ *_* !_! ^_^ +_+

A busy week. *groan*

Good evening everyone! I have had a very busy week, well, a busy half week. As you all know I started reroofing my garage on Monday, I finished the roof on Tuesday. I was so dirty, my shoes were a different color than when I started. I was exhausted. Anyway, my subliminal messages finally took root in my Dad, and we took a real vacation yesterday. We were going to go to Valleyfair, but we ended being really late. A glasses strap ended up destroying my Dad's glasses (long story) so went went to Grand Rios. America's second largest water park!( it really isn't that big ) That was really fun. ^_^ Today I went to "The picnic in the park" A community gathering in the area my church is in. We have people take surveys and they get a book ^_^ it's very nice. I played babysitter like I do every year. They had lots of nice free stuff, Geneva won a cute little purple piggy bank among other not as nice things. (like those evil little whistles your siblings like to play with all day)

*hums cheeseburger song* Ethan and Isaac still haven't blogged yet. Next blog I will hold the Finals for the contest unless those "contributers" actually contribute something. It is late, I must go listen to Disco music. (Which they were playing that the picnic in the park ^_^ ) Good night Everyone!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Shingles and, ummmmmmmmm Grandparents.

Wow, That was a hard title to write. I'm very proud of myself *gives self imaginary cookie* ^_^
I have both sets of grandparents at my home today, this happens once every blue moon. ^_^ My Dad, brothers, grandpas, and I have started reroofing our garage. We have taken all the old shingles off and replaced the rotting plywood, so now we will reshingle the roof tomorrow. I was so dirty when we got done, we started at 8:00 and continued till 6:00 with a two hour break in between, I was very happy when I got my shower ^_^

My lazy brothers still haven't blogged round four yet, so I have a treat for you all, the Numa Numa song in English!


..... ^_^; Interesting. Just so everyone knows, this is what my Dad does for (cough) Vacation. Last year was Painting the house, this year reroofing the garage. *_* Well , we'll do something fun later in the week ^_^ I hope everyone has an enjoyable week. ^_^ Good night everyone!

Monday, July 17, 2006


I have very bad news. I could have saved 5000% on my car insurance by switching to progressive. But I didn't :( I had my job interview on Saturday for Mcdonalds, the interview went well, but I didn't get the call telling me I got the job :( oh well, God has something better for me to do :) *gasp* wrong smiley face. ^_^ It is very hot out, so I'll stay inside and blog in the nice air-conditioned house unlike my insane siblings.

My Grandparents are over today ^_^ I can always play lots and lots and lots of Scrabble with them ^_^ and card games and tennis. I get my moms eggrolls tonight ^_^ I have made everyone very jealous. My mom made four strawberry pies! How I fit them into our refrigerator, I have no idea, but three we have eaten have have sooooo good ^_^


The spiders say, time for the results! Hooray! we had a commenting record for the last post. 14 Comments! I feel so commented about, wait, that didn't come out right. Anyway, the winner is (With 66% of the vote) Ninja the piano cat! ^_^
see the power of subliminal messages ^_^
Yay! Anyway, I said Ethan and Isaac could do round 4. So I'll annoy them until they post. hehehe. Then we'll do the Semi-Finals with winners of the previous rounds ^^ I'm genius. Be quiet, I heard that, I am NOT egotistical. How dare anyone say anything like that. My cat ninjas will get you all.
*Yawn* I have nothing to blog about now, so good night everyone!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Good Evening Everyone!

Good evening everyone! I'm soooooooo happy! ^_^ I have VERY good news, I saved 15% on my car insurance! Wait, I don't have car insurance, oh well,Hey I saved 4587% on my car insurance then ^_^ I guess we need even better news. After sending countless job applications and long grueling battles with pens that wouldn't work, I finally have a job..............................................................................
......................................... Interview! Yay me! I can't say when or where, but I'm sooooooo glad I've at least got an Interview, I don't have a job yet, But now I'm only one step away. *does the numa numa dance* ^_^ Wait......... I'll have less time to blog! *gasp* I guess I could blog about how weird my co-workers are, but that wouldn't be nice.


^_^ The spiders say, round two is over! The winner, by a single vote, is "It's raining men"! Now time for round three! Today the theme is animals

Here is the cat. ^_^
*This is an subliminal message, please scroll down to the next video, (Vote for the cat ^_^)*

Here is the dog.

Ahh........ Such talent ^_^ (vote for the cat ^_^) Make sure to vote for the ca.... I mean your favorite ^_^ The winner will make it to the semi-finals ^_^ I will blog for Ethan and Isaac because they have no idea blogging means writing something on the computer. *sigh* Such incompetence. Ethan currently wants to take up the violin, and Isaac wants to play the guitar. Soon we could have our own little "Guys with skills" band. (That would be a disaster, and it's wrong on so many different levels) *hums the cheese(vote for the cat) burger song. *Hint* Blog ETHAN AND ISAAC! I CARRY this blog from the dust and you hitch rides, Well I will not carry you anymore, No more cookies for you until you blog! Muahahahahahaha!
Enough ranting. Good Night everyone!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Round 1 is over!

Good Morning everyone! The sun is shining, the lawn is kinda green. I had such a long blog last time, I hope everyone was able to read so much blog in one sitting. ^_^ Our bathroom is almost done being cleaned, it must be grouted and the shower caulked. Almost done! ^_^ I'll probably put up pics of the pictures Ethan is drawing. They will be funny ^_^ We now have a new computer! ^_^ Our old computer was getting a new problem every week, it's time was long overdue. So I'm very happy ^_^, see the happy face ^_^

unfortunately my job search isn't going very well, I have a couple new possibilities, but I probably won't get them....... Having spare time in the summer is nice ^_^ Well anyway, Round one of our favorite videos is over. and the winner (With an amazing 80% of the vote) is......
*drum roll please* The Cheeseburger song! My lovely Cheeseburger will make it's way to the next part of the show. But round two will now start. The theme is........ Professional Vs. The Unprofessional.
The Professional Kelly Clarkson singing "It's raining men" ^_^

The unprofessional singing the numa numa song.:P

Ahhhhhh. Such talent, Be sure to vote for your favorite ^_^ We are currently watching "The Incredibles". That is a good movie. If you have the DVD make sure to watch the alternate opening on the second disk, it's good ^_^. Edna is funny ^_^, Well People, Isaac and Ethan say they are going to blog today, Ha! I laugh at their blogging abilites. Well, now you readers can have more variety into your blogging life. Bye everyone ^_^

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Good Evening!

Good Evening! I hope everyone had an enjoyable 4th of July. My mom has been attacking (with mine, Ethans, and Dad's help) our downstairs bathroom. It is currently a messed up battle field, with caulk strewn (What a beautiful adjective........... curse you creative writing!) all over the floor and *static* Anyway it looks like renevation. -_- Someday I'll get different editors........... Anyway, the bathroom will look fablous when it is all cleaned up ^_^ Speaking of my editors, they used a plot hole and brought the spiders back ....... Spider can-can time!

Well that paragraph made a lot of sense :p


The spiders say....... time for more videos! I Hope you enjoyed yesterdays disco theme. Now we have classic songs from the 21st century ^_^ The numa numa song vs. the Cheeseburger song. be sure to vote for your favorite. ^_^ The winner will move on to the next round! Everybody knows the numa numa song. And everyone should know the cheeseburger song. ^_^


The guy lip syncing the cheeseburger song! If you want the orignal, rent the veggietales "Madame Blueberry" ^_^

Well, that was a lot of video for such a short blog. So to keep the time space continuium from imploding, I'll make it looooooooonger. My large cat wants to come sit up on the nice leather sectional with his nice sharp claws, such a good cat. He is curently losing weight. thats good, since he is such a fat cat.

Update: My bathroom is now a beautiful blue. When we get a digital camera I'll put up pics. Too bad I don't have some earlier pics so you could see the old bathroom. Think brown and beige. Quite bland. But that's enough home improvement, who do I think I am, Billy Mays?


The spiders say time for an inpirational speech. I gave this a few months ago, the topic is why you should take an martial art. Note: Imagine you are hearing this, not reading it. ^_^

Imagine this. It's 7:00 P.M. You have just left the mall and are heading to your car; it was really crowded when you got the mall at 4:30, so you had to park in the back of the parking lot. When suddenly, a strange man grabs your arm and drags you to his car. You try to scream, but nobody is around. What do you do? You know what will happen if you let him take you. If only you had a weapon. Well, now you can have an invisible weapon with you at all times.
Thesis statement: Here is why it would be a VERY good idea for you to take a martial art
I No, No martial art will allow you fly and run up buildings. But Martials arts WILL give you the upper hand. No matter how many times you hear the feminist mantra: "Women are just as strong as men". It can't change the fact; most men are stronger than most women. I'm not being macho. And I'm truly grateful for everything that women do, especially our mothers who sacrifice everything for us and make our lives possible.
It is also true that all most all adults are stronger than almost any kid. With the vast strength difference between men and women, it almost seems that a woman could do nothing if one of this world many wackos and freaks decided to target her or one of her children. This is where your martial arts come in. It will train you. You may not be able to completely annihilate your attacker, but all you need it a few seconds to get away. It can make a difference between living an emotionally scarred life or a normal life, or may even be the deciding factor in a life or death situation.
After all that, I bet you are DYING to learn more. Of course there are many other reasons to learn a martial art other than self/defense.
Doing a martial art is a great way to get into and keep in shape. Trust me. You learn about these muscles that you thought never even existed. If you practice daily you should be able to keep your metabolism up for quite a few years. It also can be a family thing.
Many families are drop Joe over at this! Rush Jane over to that. This can be especially hard when you are a home-schooling mom. What if you all go the same place? My family and I have been practicing martial arts for over two years and we love it. It is a great way to teach self-control to your kids. It raises your level of coordination. Doing a martial art is very good for you.
Point Three: What about eastern Mysticism?
Well, My father did A LOT of research before we started. It turned out more the obscure martial arts did have eastern mysticism in it. But the more popular Martial arts such a Karate or Tae Kwon Do have virtually none. It's always best to watch a few lessons before you choose what martial art to take and use money that probably won't be refunded.
What about Bowing? If you watch a class they usually bow to each other, the instructor, and the flags, to show respect to their countries. Bowing in the eastern world is like me coming and shaking your hand. It is a sign or respect. It is not a sign of worship. If you see them bowing to something else, make sure it isn't an idol or something.
I'm in no shape to learn a martial art! Well chances are. I've seen someone in a lot worse shape than you take a martial art. Anyone can take it, round people, out of shape people, old people, disabled people, young people, People with almost NO coordination what so ever. Like me. And EVERYONE has to work at it. Even Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan was a white belt at some time. It doesn't come naturally. Well it may seem like that with some Asians, but it really isn't true.
We've now seen many reasons why it would be good to take a martial art.
It will enable you to defend your self. It is a great way to get in shape and stay in shape, and it will teach you many things such as coordination and self-control. But where can you go? There now seems to be a Martial Arts school on every corner. There are Hard and soft styles of Martial Arts. Hard Styles, Such as Tae Kwon Do and certain types of Karate focus much more on the kicking and punching aspect and you run little risk of running into Eastern Mysticism. Soft Styles, such as Tae Chi, tend to have much slower movements and meditation and have a much higher chance of running into eastern Mysticism. Personally, I would check out a Tae Kwon Do or Karate school. It really shouldn't be hard to find a good school.

(end speech)

I hope that convinced you. ^_^ If it didn't, Cat ninjas are standing by..........

I have to finish this blog before bedtime so my editor can publish it before tommorow. So Good night everybody!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Happy Independence Day!

Good Morning everyone! I have just gotten back from a nice 4th of July vacation. It was a little early, but now I can blog on time. We almost went to a lake, but it started raining as soon as we approached the city. :( Wait..... Lakes are gross. Well, this one was in Yankton SD. It was a beautiful lake. Anyway, we had a wonderful cookout. ^_^ We had hamburgers, hot dogs, brats, a delicious pasta salad ^_^, and potato salad. My Grandma has Cable! Fox News! How I miss fox news.....*sniff* Fox and Friends, Studio B, O Reilly, Fox News watch, Shows that aren't liberal! It was wonderful! I'm using that word a lot today. @_@

The video on the last post was from Youtube. It was some guy singing a patriotic song. It kept all of you who had working speakers entertained! ^_^. Ummm. for the people whose speakers didn't work...... Unplug the speakers and check all the connections. and go to volume (Should be on the bottom right corner of your computer) on your computer and turn it up ^_^. (oh and make sure to plug The speakers back in. I forgot to say that)

Geneva is currently amazed at the neighbor kids new haircut. I wish I was entertained that easily.

Night everyone. Maybe all look for some more videos for you all to watch ^_^

Here are some ^_^ Here are the peaceful Liberals throwing pies at Ann Coulter.

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fv9xa-VxchM

  • -------------------------------

    Here is what my Family would say about a certain person in my family. They are wrong though.

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkKXIIXXaAw

  • ------------------------------

    I Will Survive!

    Got to be Real

    Hmmmm. I don't remember her being so fat. Hehehe.

    Disco still lives!
    Really, Now it is night time! -_-

    Thursday, June 29, 2006

    A new Dedication!

    Being that the last 16 years of my life have been meaningless, I have decided to dedicate myself to blogging! I love Blogging, I live to blog, blogs love me, I'll sit at my computer all day and blog! I'll never go to TKD, or the pool, or church, or take vacations, or clean.(Well not everything is bad) The masses must be entertained! *mechanical voice* Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog.....Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog ......Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog..... Muhahahahahahaha!

    But seriously folks, I have really decided to shave my head and become a monk. I will dedicate my self to the art of Kitty Kung Fu. I'll build a temple and have lots of disciples ^_^ Everyone will love me! (wait...... not much will change about that) I'll have an army of cat ninjas that will do all of my bidding! (Wait. that won't change either)

    *turns on PMS-nbc*
    Hardball pounds the press........ Isn't hardball the press? I think Liberals are really losing it. They can't even come up with catchy titles for the segments of their show. Sad........... What can I blog about? This is hard. Blogging for three days in a row is hard. I must Entertain you people. If you need to lose some weight,
    how about Garfields diet tips!

    Garfields Diet Tips
    (This mostly from memory, so some are missing.)
    1) Never go back for seconds, take it all the first time ^_^
    2) don't date Sara Lee
    3) Vegetables are a must, I suggest Carrot cake, zucchini bread, and Pumpkin Pie
    4)Never start a diet cold turkey (maybe cold roast beef, cold lasagna)
    5) Try to cut back, leave the cherry off your sundae.
    6) Hang around people fatter than you
    There are two more, but I can't remember them. ( Good luck with your diets) ^_^
    Back to the news. Doesn't anyone know that the Gitmo prisoner are POWs? Anyone? Oh please, and we treat them well enough, they get warm meals everyday (exotic meals) Orange chicken.
    And they don't let Bibles in Gitmo, it might offend the prisoners, (Those poor little things)
    It makes me sick. :/ They get treated better than all of our homeless people. We should give them sandwiches and water at best.
    .\ /.
    Anyway, I have cats to train. Night everyone!

    Wednesday, June 28, 2006

    Another Blog!

    Being that my last blog was short, boring, filled with spelling errors, interrupted by outbursts of rage against Pms-nbc. Wait you say. It wasn't half of those..... I have taught you all well ^_^. Lets just call it a warm-up blog. I'm currently blogging, cleaning, and resisting the urge to turn on PMSnbc. I miss watching the news :( *turns on TV* Lets see. A new witness behind bars in the Natalee Holloway case. Again. *yawn* I wonder how many witnesses they have arrested. (all of Aruba probably) I wonder, does anyone know if Al Franken is running for Senator? I hope not. If he does We'll make a ban Al Franken Petition.

    *glares at Certain girl from France* No reason. I'm very tired of the Abrams Report
    *throws remote in the air and fancily catching it* Must change channel before Hardball comes on..... *struggles with remote with dramatic music* *Barely changes channel* That was close people........ It may be PMS-nbc. But they are still Mindless Snotty Nepotisitic Brainwashers Community. Enough with this, remember Hatred is not a family value. (that's right. every night we tell our children we hate them, and they should hate people) enough ranting.....

    I wish it was Christmas right now. Not because of the presents or the sentiment or the lovely commercials but because of the cookies. Orange drop, Chocolate Crinkle, thumbprint, snickerdoodles, French lace, Peanut butte(Wait, I hate peanut butter:P),Candy cane,Chinese almond, meringue, but most of all sugar! *hint hint*

    We need an interesting paragraph. Here it is ^_^

    Ahhhh... what an amazing blog this ^_^ I wonder what would make it better. An obey the cheese sign.

    Obey the cheese!

    Nope. how about a take over France sign.

    We must take over France!

    How about a no smoking sign?


    Well, that no smoking sign did the trick! You all are thoroughly entertained. so I will entertain you more until you all are bored and throw rotten fruit at me. But I'm out of things to say....... Good night everyone!

    Tuesday, June 27, 2006

    Good Evening!

    Hi everyone! I found out what Rush Limbaugh calls MSNBC. "PMS_NBC"
    :D Not everyone will get that. I'm exhausted. I went to the pool today:), Why everyone wanted to go, I have no idea. It was soooo cold.(for summer) Then I went to Tae Kwon Do, TKD is very tiring after you swim. It drains every last bit of energy out of you. kinda of like a black hole except you can get out of it by napping. Now if you'll excuse me, I must restart the comp, because I'm trying to fix it and blog at the same time.
    Well, I'm giving up for tonight. (So much for multitasking. :P )I swear, When I get a job my parents are getting a new computer as a gift. (So they have to fix it XD) I'm soooooo tired I must go to bed. The screen keeps on blinking :D I should get off now. Good night everyone!
    Blog again tommorow! ^_^

    Monday, June 19, 2006

    Happy Father's Day!

    Happy Father's Day everyone! (Once again late -_-), anyway, I hope everyone had a wonderful fathers day, even DUDE.(who shall once again and forever more, unless legal reasons state otherwise, remain anonymous) We went to special breakfast at Church, (My mom brought her world famous orange rolls :) ] and we watched lots of "24". 24 is an addicting show, do not rent it unless you have a few hours to kill. (and who doesn't) You HAVE been warned.

    The weather is kinda of gloomy here. :( at least the lawn will get watered. :) I don't have to water the lawn, hahahaha! I spent about 1 1/2 hours attacking the utility room this morning. It is so dirty. But now looks close to fablous. (just don't open any cabinets) I'm soooo hungrey. I can't even spell hungrey right because I'm so hungrey. Well, what else can I blog about. It is 5:56 in France right now. Hi France. That Dog is barking....... I wish I had a remote for THAT DOG ^_^.
    The bird is chirping happily ^_^ la la la, the cat is meowing so he can come see me in the room that may not have the bird inside it. Meow, chirp, bark! I should charge people crossing the street for looking at a zoo without paying. My text is boring.


    Enough excitement, I'm off to eat Lunch everyone!

    Hello, This a secret message. Soon the DUDE will be revealed

    Friday, June 16, 2006


    That's right, it's anagram time ^_^ Due to my extreme frustration at MSNBC. I have given (uncovered) them their real name. My cat ninjas have discovered that MSNBC stands for Mindless Snotty Nepotistic Brainwashers Community. I'm such a genius ^_^. Well I was going to give you guys a link to see Ann Coulter on Jay Leno (very funny segment), but the video was removed for *cough* Copyright Infringement *cough*. Can't you people just say because "We don't like Ann Coulter" I should provide physiological treatment for you people. (not my regular reader[s]) I'd be good at it too. *yawn* Well, I need inspiration *turns on Mindless Snotty Nepotistic Brainwashers Community* commercial. Darn! Well, what else is there? Why don't we start out with my morning? I got up a 8:00 and ate a bowl of cereal. Then I armed my self with a cloth and cleaned the upstairs. Then I went to TKD and then to the pool. Then I went home ate supper and blogged. Well, that was my day in four sentences, sad. Anyway I'm losing my friend from France soon, she is coming back to the U.S. Yay! I should play a devious trick on her

    Well that was a long paragraph :P let's have a short one for a change :)

    Anyway, I shall just tell you all the Identity of the DUDE. Devious Underestimated Dark Entity. But I bet you wanted a name and number. The DUDE's name and phone number is [Blog Ended due to copyright infringement]

    Thursday, June 15, 2006

    Yes. (another one word topic)

    Good morning everyone! What a wonderful day! The clouds are out and the lawn is brown. -_-
    Thankfully happiness is not a fair weather friend.

    *sigh* I miss cable, especially FOX news. All we have for news is MSNBC, who obsessed with Ann Coulter, "Did Ann Coulter go too far in her comments?". They don't even say what she said, just that she did some terrible thing to widows and Fatherless Children. All I have been able to gather is that she said something around the lines that Widows and children from 9/11 shouldn't constantly critize Bush. Something like it, not exactly. I should google it....

    Anyway I think she is right. But I miss FOX, Everyone else is sooooo Liberal. *ugh* I guess I should recommend her new book. "Godless" (the Church of Liberals) Something like that. Anyway, you all will go out and buy it. Along with her other books. Go to Anncoulter.org. Well This shows I've been watching too much MSNBC. I have devoted two paragraphs to Ann Coulter. Moving on.................. (Hey, better than the Oscar's dresses:P)

    I think Summer is now officially here. Everybody now sleeps in to 8:00*cough* Mom and me *cough* (I may get up at 7:00 if I feel like it) and everyone else gets up at 9:00. How people can sleep that long, I have no idea, I'd feel so lazy. I have been blogging a lot lately, I wonder why. I must be bored, see I'm talking to myself in my own blog. Sad.

    Anyone been taking notice of that Soccer cup? Me neither. At least Lykachy does it for me. But now I must tell you that at the apparel shop, Ann Coulter T-shirts are selling like Hot cakes! Don't be left out. Buy one today! *hums I will Survive for no reason* This is one of our last chances to buy a fablous shirt that everyone else will be wearing. *hits everyone with peer pressure sign* I LOVE my blog! I can do whatever I want! (My editors just wanted me to say that) BTW, I'm now my normal shade of white. I guess evil black belts don't want to kill me anymore. How will I survive?

    Bye everyone! I'm off to watch The Pink Panther, and then spend hours getting my mind brainwashed by MSNBC. *snore*

    Tuesday, June 13, 2006


    People, We have a dilemma! Not only Do I capitalize Things that I shouldn't, but we need the spiders to can-can! That's right, we have a new feature! Lykachy's blog "Evil Black Belt" is now here!


    I guess we will have to settle with dancing no-smoking signs. *sigh*
    Anyway, back to my very important matters I must tell you all. Ummm..... My sunburn is almost better, but I'm still a lovely shade of pink. What an exciting life I have. But we also have something else that is new! A talking box! Oh, it is so cute, look, it says hello ^_^. I wonder what it could be used for *cough* *cough*

    I have a movie recommendation. You all will go out as soon as you finish reading this blog and rent "The Pink Panther". It is a very funny movie. In fact is on right now, the song "Got to be Real" is playing right now" Yea!

    Wow! Another new link is here, Lykachys sports coverage of the FIFA soccer thing is here.


    Three new things in one blog, you all are so lucky, I wish I was this lucky! Getting three new things for free in one blog, and you notice that this blog doesn't rant to make itself seem bigger, that's right. I'm the person who rants. *everyone falls to the floor and groans*

    Good night Paris! And good night Minnesotan suburbs, Yes, you city folk can tell yourselves good night.

    Monday, June 12, 2006


    Good evening everyone. Tonight we will dissect the meaning of this phrase. How exciting.......
    Today at TKD class we did hopping hook kicks followed by two whipping axe kicks finished by a back kick. *amazing* *ooh* *ahhh* We practiced a little self defense.

    We went swimming today, Yay! I have learned a very important lesson, apply lots of sunscreen, apply more sunscreen, and repeat. Owww. I hope I have saved someone some pain this year. :P

    Wednesday, June 07, 2006

    A real post. :P

    I have good news everyone! I just saved 15% on my..... Actually I have been accepted into the Northwestern PSEO program. Yay me! I shall learn elementary Greek and Psychology. Hmm now I will know just how the ancient Greeks thought. I got a phone call from France today. I never thought that would happen, considering I don't like France very much. But it was a friend who recently moved there who called. Come back! I pretty much done with school for the year. *sigh of relief* We went out today and bought some piano books! I (For some strange reason) like to play "Beauty and the Beast" and "Part of your world" even though I hate the song part of your world.

    This part of the blog is for my French Friend. :P Everyone else can read, (but it is boring)
    Today at TKD we warmed up and the did the white belt pattern, followed, by Il jong, then Yee jong, followed by Sahm jong, then Sar Jong, followed by Yuk Jong, then our own patterns. Then we did our one steps. followed my Tae-Kwon-Do punches. Lilly Ended class. Jacob, Kristin and her sons, Bree and Chris, Mr. Wade and Mr. Brown, Jasmine, Mr Fink, Mr. Jeff. Geneva, Danielle, Isaac, Autummn, Our neighbor Johnny came to watch, and me! yay! Mr. Bagwell taught.

    My Mom got "My Fair Lady" from the library, Lilly is upset because she hates musicals, and Danielle is happy because she likes everything Lilly doesn't like. My cat is being lazy lying on my bed, and Winnie is busy being stinky. Danielle is busy eating a fluffernutter, If you don't know what that is ask. Bye, good night. Auravoria! And comment, comment, and comment!

    It begins!

    Hola Senors and Senoritas! *ugh* enough spanish. oddly enough, channel 98 (the spanish channel) is very entertaining. Spanish soap operas are very weird. @_@
    Anyway, you all must discover who stole the spiders who do the spider can-can.

    Once upon a time there was a group of spiders who would dance the can-can to entertain the village. Everyone loved them. Sometimes they would dance to the left, sometimes to the right. Needless to say, they were a great hit. But then one day, they dissappeared. Who and why would someone do this? It is YOU. yes, you the reader of this blog must find out who is reponsible for this atrocious act of communism!
    Chapter One
    Our story begins with the sun rising majesticly over a vast field with a large house. A rooster crows. We zoom in upon the house we see a round table with three figures surrounding it. One is covered in a Shadow. We will call him the person covered in shadow, in the other chairs sit a rooster and a chicken. They seem to be playing a game of cards. "Ha!", "I win again" Exclaims the Chicken. The rooster just smiles while the person in shadow slams it's fist into the table, breaking it in half. "You said you'd tell us who you are if we could beat you in spoons." Said Rooster. "Ha, As if I'd acctually tell patethic poultry such as you my identity!" It retorts, as it dissappears in a burst of flame and smoke. A hairless cat then jumps on Rooster's lap. "It's okay Bob." Rooster whispers quietly to the cat while stroking him. "He won't be back for a while, It's a good thing you can beat him in spoons Chick." The cat hops away as if nothing happened and lies down lazily in a sunbeam from a close window. "Come Chick, We must get your dinner ready. Chili time!" Exclaims Rooster. The Cat then runs of into the sunset as homey music plays.

    We now follow the cat as he runs far away to a large mansion. We enter a large rooms with a figure in a large black chair. "What news do you bring Bob?" The cat replies "Well I almost found out the shadow person's identity, But he ran away." "What about the poultry twins?" asks the figure in the chair. "Well, They are making a dinner." "That's it!" "That is all you can find out about those two! Out of my sight insolent fool!" "One question." asked Bob " why do you want to know about that shadow person?" "Well it started long ago." replied the figure. " He is known as the DUDE. What that stands for I do not know. However, he divised a weapon that could turn humans into monkeys. We must stop him! "So it's a save the world thing then isn't it. Replied the cat with a smile on his face. "No." It is a takeover the world thing. See, If he rules the world, I can't rule the world. So we will steal his weapon and take over the world for us. Muahahahahahahaha!
    Who stole the spiders? Have fun with spectulation :)
    Have a great disscussion. Sorry, I had to say that.

    Monday, May 29, 2006

    Happy Memorial Day!

    Happy Memorial Day everyone!(Late! @_@) ^_^ I have very busy lately, so I'm glad it's a holiday! Wait, I'm still busy.*grumble* Anyway, We have gotten rid of our digital cable to basic whatever. Now the only thing I ever watch is the Price is Right, Judge Hattchet, and Divorce Court. (Divorce Court is the best! most entertaining anyway.) I guess that's more than one thing, Besides, Hello kitty on DVD is currently on anyway. Yes, the one with annoying theme song that gets stuck in your head and makes you want to break the DVD player. @_@


    *gasp* Why aren't the spiders dancing? Find out next blog when the mysterous villian who has stolen the dancing is unmasked. Yea! Large font, That means this is an very important blog, I guess I should make all my blogs in bold. :P


    That's right Lykachy! This part of the blog is just for you. ^_^
    I just got back from TKD. I took two classes and am exhausted. Anyway last Saturday was testing. Kris tested for her red belt. Kristen and her sons all got their brown belts along with Lynee. and other people tested, but I forgot them.:P I haven't seen Ricky since the tournament. I wonder where he has been. Anyway, I spent all of first class teaching Mrs. Kris her new pattern. The second class we warmed up by doing a single side kick. then we switched and did a round kick with a back kick, then we *gasp* just switched and back kicked. then we went into pairs and worked on our double round kicks, then we did M&Ms and did the knee raises. *snore* this blog is so boring I'm putting myself to sleep.*forced laughter*

    Over the next few blogs we will play a game. You all must solve who stole the spiders can-can, I will give you a list of profiles, every blog I will give out clues and you will comment on who you think the suspect is. The suspects are.

    The Dude:
    Age? Waist line? favorite quote? Nothing much is known about the Dude, Which makes him the prime suspect! See how it works. However, it is known the Dudes identity is sealed in a ledgendary fortune cookie, the dude's mission is to destroy the cookie once and for all.

    The wood nymph.
    Age and weight? (refuses to tell)
    Likes: Pesto and spicy food.
    Dislikes: Bland food.
    This wood nymph was once a great mafia queen who studied the ancient art of ninjitsu. Once while practicing her ninja powers she overheard a plot to turn the entire world into monkeys. She then learned the persons identity, he is known as the Dude, but the dude spotted her and she ran far away. She sealed the dudes identity into a fortune cookie known as the fortune cookie of great fortune. She then shipped it to the nearest chinese resturant.
    Gender: Female
    Age:Teen (in chicken years)
    Likes:singing, eating cats.
    Dislikes:Kentucky and all people who fry things. Thanksgiving.
    This is a "Chicken" who dresses as a turkey. She had an ordinary life until one day her owner crashed a semi filled with fortune cookies. He gave her the only cookie that wasn't harmed from the crash. She now carries it with her where ever she goes to remember her owner who moved to Florida to retire. She refuses to ever open the cookie.
    Age 114.
    Weight (who wants to know?)
    Likes: the face ^_^, cats, Chick-en Scallopini.
    Dislikes: delivering yellow books and dogs who lick you.
    Rexford is a fablous person who is not egotisitcal in anyway shape or form. He commands a amazing army of cat ninjas who are always searching for the idenity of Dude.
    Ethan and Isaac.... Wait. as if they could do anything to the spiders dance.
    Gender: Female. how a rooster is a female escapes me.
    Age, Around that of Chick-en
    Likes: Playing spoons with chick-en. Cooking(no chicken)
    Dislikes:Long papers she has to write.
    Rooster is only seen with Chicken. wether or not she plans on stealing the cookie is unknown. The wood nymph knows that she knows the idenity of the DUDE, but Rooster doesn't know she knows. She also has the chocolate cookie of misfortune. But we think she ate it.
    Weird Chinese Spy.
    Age:Teenager. *so he claims to be*

    Height: two feet
    Weight.*he claims to be 400 pounds, we don't believe it.
    He is a chinese spy who is weird. he is seen at PRBC and claims to speak Chinese fluently. We wonder.

    Evil Black Belt.
    Gender Female
    Likes:boys from France?
    Dislikes: Good red belts. :P
    She is a Black belt who is evil. Thats it. We wonder if she is really is evil.
    Mrs C.
    She is Mr. C's wife. she is said to have amazing links to the Dude.
    Professer Parrot.
    Weight:59 3/4 pounds
    Waist line:59 cm
    Likes: the number 59, Being negative. Japanese music. Yeah!
    Dislikes:Rap music, Over rated things. and barbarians.
    Professer Parrot is a parrot who is a professor. He likes The king. The king is awesome. The king has Skills. We talk like the king because we are the king. PP
    Korean spy
    Age:2 years old.
    Weight: uh........, we don't know 50,000,000 lb perhaps.
    Likes: Dog slobber. expensive food. Rexford's dove chocolate. Kung fu movies.
    Dislikes: Cute French guys. Cuter French guys. and Hot French Fries.
    This is a spy whoi stinks at his job, everyone knows who he is. It is the perfect cover. He also thinks he can cook Cat ninjas, we think he is stupid.

    That's everyone. I come with more details later. Good Night. Muhahahaha! ^_^

    Tuesday, May 23, 2006


    Good Afternoon everyone! Last Saturday My Family entered the governors Cup(TKD tournament) Ethan won 3rd in sparring, Isaac won 2nd in sparring even though he was the youngest in his division, Lilly got 1st in sparring and 2nd in forms, and I got 4th in sparring and 3rd in forms, Yay! I was beaten by Black belts , so I don't feel bad about losing, You learn more from losses then wins. O.K. Too much optismism....... I must balance it out with a negative spider can-can.


    Ahhhhh. Much better ^_^, I mean :( , We have gotten another round of sickness in the family. Ha! You Cs thought you could get sick without us! Muhahahahahahaha! Anyway, we are on the getting better half of it. Oh, I forgot, My Mom got 1st place in handling concessions! Yay!

    A spy has infiltrated out church, He has been studying Chinese for the last three years, My cat ninjas have been doing survalence and have found out he takes many trips to the mainland, his cover is an exchange student studying the faerie language French. The link between the spy, Dude and the Turkey-CHICKen is still being investigated. :P

    I took a placement test for a college today, I got college level reading and writing(Trust me, creative writing had nothing to do with this) but not college level math, Probably because I haven't taken Algebra II yet. Anyway, I must eat supper now! Good night Everyone!

    Friday, May 19, 2006


    I have alot to cover and not much time to do it, But it is now time for the spider can-can!


    Happy Birthday Ethan! Party!, We had Chicken Scallopini for Supper yesterday, it was fablous!(That's right Isaac, FABLOUS!) Chicken Scallopini is Angel hair pasta in a light lemon-butter sauce with procuttio, capers, articoke hearts, and of course, Chicken that you POUND mercilessly with a meat tenderizer and then fry in scalding oil! *yawn* moving on........


    My Mom, Dad, and Lilly just tested for their Black Belts and passed! Horray! Yay! Happy Day! Random exclamations of extreme joyfullness! More Can-cans!
    More! More! More! Muhahahahaha!
    Such joyous occasions! Anyway, This past week I have applied for a couple jobs at certain stores, I hope I get a job, But then, having free time this summer isn't that bad :P
    Anyway Good night everyone!

    Friday, May 05, 2006

    Happy Birthday to me! ^_^

    Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday dear meeeeee! Happy birthday to me! ^_^ Well, I'm a day late, But that doesn't matter. I am now an old six-teen year old. I'm so old I got a cane for my birthday. I'm serious, I actually got a cane. But I will learn some cane fighting soon, so it is actually a dangerous weapon ^_^ Now I can teach my cat ninjas cane fighting! So stay away from cats that are carrying canes.

    You may have noticed that a certain boy named Isaac posted the other day, I can assure you, this is not normal. Your regularly scheduled reading will no longer be interrupted by other people's posts. I'll make sure of that. And here is something for a certain Chicken I know. The spider can-can!


    The spiders say it is time for a movie recommendation! The movie "Hoodwinked" is up for recommendation. It is a very good(banned word) red riding hood story. It has a very funny goat that sings and sings and sings and, you get the picture, You all WILL rent it. Good night everyone! and Obey the Cheese!

    Wednesday, May 03, 2006


    I have been very busy (as you can tell) . Every morning I have to....... Read my Bible, Do my royal court, Feed and take out Wing Chun, Eat, and do school

    (cool heart beat sign)


    I have headgear now it is VERY uncomfortable I DO NOT LIKE IT AT ALL EVERY NIGHT IT TAKES ME ALMOST AN HOUR JUST TO GO TO SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    tomorrow is Ricardos Birthday! Happy early birthday Rexford!!!


    Well good by I have to be so called "murdered" by Lykachy
    Xie xie di tian!!!

    Monday, May 01, 2006

    Good Evening!

    Good Evening everyone! I'm very hard-pressed on a topic to blog about, But I really want to blog. So I will try really hard to blog like a normal person. My birthday is in three days! yay! I always try to make sure I don't get really excited over things, But I'm REALLY excited! I LOVE BIRTHDAYS! The one day when everyone will be forced to be nice to my cat! Muhahahaha! Nothing you cat haters can do about it! :P Anyway, I must blog like a normal person ^_^. Soooooooo, What abou1t6 *slap* My annoying brother Ethan keeps on pressing the numbers 1 and 61 *slap**slap**slap**slap* I'm being bombarded by pencil throwing weirdos! That should teach them. H16a!, I mean HA! *slap**slap**slap*, Now they are poking me with tweezers! the fools! My cat ninjas will be upon them faster than you can say Fortune cookie. The past couple weeks I have decided to always have a deck of cards with me, Why? It not just because playing cards i1s6 fun, They also make great weapons! Like throwing them at annoying brothers!

    I have forgotten what I was going to talk about. Well, It turns out I might not take the S.A.T. after all, I just need a C.A.T. ^_^ test (California Achievment Test) Cat test. ^_^ hehe. I know I do well on the Cat tests (and the C.A.T.) so I'm not as nervous. Another interesting thing happened the other day, I finally found my scientific calculator! (after I'm almost done with geometery, chemistry, and don't have to do the S.A.T.s)
    Anyway, that's what happens to you when you are a homeschooler. (BTW It was my Dad's fault my calculator was missing) Anyway, Time for bed! Good Night Reno!

    Wednesday, April 26, 2006

    On this joyous occasion!

    Can anyone guess what today is? The end of all creative writing! No more sentence openers, dress-ups, decoration, or anything of the like! Party! Party! Happy Happy day! I'm so happy that it is time for the spider can-can!


    Party time! Anyway, time for more serious matters ^_^. Last week I took a trip to Madison Wisconsin! Actually it wasn't that exciting, but the reason I went was because some of my family entered into a Tae Kwon Do tournament! yay! So my Dad got 1st in sparring 3rd in forms, Lilly got 1st in sparring 3rd in forms, and Isaac got 3rd in sparring and 4th in forms. Yay! Baby universe from "We love Katamari" (one of the best video games in existence) is playing to celebrate the end of writing! Anyway, Lilly and my Mom and Dad are all testing for their black belts at the end of may. I MIGHT test in October for mine, Maybe..... with a capital M! Anyway, In Wisconsin, they like cheese, no, they YYY with capital HEARTS.
    Every exit you will see a large sign that says "Cheese" and under it will say food. See I thought cheese was a food, not a national symbol. They have cheesehauses (actual spelling)[must be Scandinavian]. They also have separate recycling containers for green glass, white glass, yellow glass, tin, aluminum, cans, plastic and much more. Interesting.........

    Anyway my 16th Birthday is in 8 days! yay! This is supposedly the year I turn evil. Like when I turned 15, or 13. :P now I will write a little(cliche, wordy and boring) story to celebrate no more writing ^_^

    Once upon a time, there was a bad rabbit ; a good rabbit, and A LOT of carrots, these were crunchy carroty celebrity chowdery cowering cassidy carrots, they were preety.... on day a turkey carrying a large fortune cookie ate all the carrots! ^_^ The End!
    Good night Minneapolis! and have a merry Christmas!

    Thursday, April 20, 2006

    Good Afternoon!

    Good Afternoon everyone! The sun is shining and it is cold outside! Well it isn't cold, but if you lived in Florida it would be cold. If you haven't noticed, I kinda have had a countdown for a certain class to be over. One! One! One! ONE! ONE! ONE! ONE! ONE! ONE! more creative writing class! The last class should be fun, But it will be nice for this class to get over as it will free up about 2-4 hours per week of my free time, which shrinks more and more the older I get. I wish I could just freeze my self at fifteen more years.

    You may have noticed that my last post was boring and uncolorful. well, it was. and you all will have to live with it. Anyway kids, It time for everyone's favorite part of the blog. The new Features!

    ^_^ New Features!!!!!!! ^_^

    The new feature of todays blog is................. A new link! woohhh! yay! A new link will be on the fabulous Guyz with skillz sidebar! Say it Right Wing. The only place to get the newest and hottest right wing apparel! If it's not right it's wrong!
    Time for the Spider can-can dance!
    The spiders say it is P.C. Time! So let's all think Politically Correct Thoughts but not tell anybody what they are because we might offend somebody. Wait.... I just told you to think politically correct thoughts. who am I to tell you to do anything. But if I can't tell you how to think. How will we become a perfect feminized anti-semetic world? I'll call all of you crazy freedom lovers Intolerant and scream and cry until you give in to me because I'm a whiny five year old who can't make a arguement.
    How sad. The spiders have stopped dancing. :( Anyway, forget what I said about the sun shining. It's raining right now. :) It was perfect weather for running today! Running is good for your Cardio-Vascular system. Thought everyone's life could be brightened by that fact. Time for todays random fortune/advice/boring statement/ ect.
    Beware of Chickens that go to North Carolina for waffles. (^)_(^) Hey look, My happy face is wearing glasses. :P
    Good night San Diego!
    P.S. The sun just came out. :P

    Monday, April 17, 2006

    My fat cat......

    I lost my cat last Friday :(, My typical morning with my cat is, I get up at 7:00 and my cat jumps out of my bed and starts meowing incessantly until I trudge over to his food bowl and pour the worlds smelliest food, (second only to fish food) into his bowl. You see, he lives for his food. Every twelve hours at 7:00 A.m and P.M. Harley gets fed, his food is his favorite thing in the world. Well that morning, he wasn't in my bed, weird, I called "Time fore breakfast Harley!"
    That could summon him from France. He didn't come. My mom noticed that part of the screen in our living room window was open. So Isaac took Winnie(our dog) to see if she could find Harley. She found him under a piece of cardboard right next to our house. Harley was very happy to be home:) he especially loved his late breakfast. Another round of sickness is attcking my family. I was the only person who didn't get sick last time. It now has hit my mom, Lilly, Geneva, and now Isaac. I hope I don't get sick now..... Only two more un creative writing classes left! My birthday is in two 1/2 weeks. yay! I have to make a birthday list though.... I'm terrible at those. Anyway, Good night Omaha!

    Monday, April 10, 2006


    With great resolve I have resolved to post a serious Blog today. As if that would ever happen! Anyway, My birthday will be early next month, However, unless I learn to merge and stay in my lane when I look at my blind spot, and most importantly, not cut in front of people. I will not be acquiring my license. But then it's not too disappointing, I have lots to do. I will be taking my S.A.T. soon, And will get a job soon. This probably is the reason I'm so stressed out. Now that my mushy serious blathering is over. Time for the spider can-can dance!


    i This special sign means it time for my favorite time of day, Big Font Time! Anyway, I'm very tired, I went to three Tae Kwon Do classes today, an hour each. If you want to be tired and exhausted, join Tae Kwon Do.

    I hope you all enjoyed my special farewell concert to my dead fish, We had an amazing turnout of five people! Only three more Creative writing classes left! ^_^

    yay! Feel the Disco!

    Good Night Madison!

    Monday, April 03, 2006

    Very Belated B-day! (and blog)

    Happy Birthday Isaac!


    We interrupt this very important blog and your life for this important announcement!Obey the Cheese!

    Today we mourn the death of our fish, We have lost the underwater life exhibit at the Threebrothers zoo. Large font time! ^_^ ,We now will hold a short memorial concert for the dead fish. Let's see, Burning heart is playing by Survivor right now,(The "Rocky four" Theme song) Now imagine dolphin's leaping in the air while fish wave their fins in the air) la la la la la........... Isaac says "Mommmmmm! Rexford being weird!" I'm not being weird Isaac, I'm traumatized from the idea of Hillary-Care. Only four more UN-creative writing classes left. ^_^ yay! Prepare for the Spider Can-can dance!


    Do dah, do dah! Dance with the spiders! But wait we need webs. Now where could they be? @ Tools # Weird picture of freaky guy


    Trophy, For best blog of course! ^_^%

    Speech bubbles@_@^

    Yay!" It's the web of life! the one and only web of life! (Here I am [just when I thought I was over you]) by air supply just got over for the little fishies. Now we just need "I will Survive". Anyway, I'm off to fight the forces of pig-headedness, evil, and disorganization! Goood night Seattle!